Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Donald Trump's People Can't Find Any White Illegal Immigrants.

Donald Trump is not a fickle man, he is very determined and professional. His people are professionals who have the best resources at their command. They are quite thorough in their jobs and only gives Donald the very best information available... he pays them well for this.

Donald is an honest man, he has said that he is not paying politicians anymore, to get favors. He confessed that he used to extend the graciousness of his wallet to politicians in times gone by, but he is now a reformed and honest man... as he insists that he can not be bought by other rich men while on his journey to acquire the office of the president, nor will he take 'donations' when he gets there.

Donald Trump is a fair and unbiased man. To him it is definitely not a race issue. The world is now aware that The Donald has gotten the down low from his people, they must have told him that there are about 12 million illegal Mexicans in the US and he says he has plans to have them removed. He said he has the plan to do just that, and we will have to wait to see it happen... he also said it would be very easy to get the job done.

Apparently his people have already searched and found only Mexicans illegally here in the US, who by the way he thinks are rapists, criminals and murderers. He says he is sure some of them are good people, but his statements reflect the sentiment that there are no white or other peoples illegally here from around the globe... obviously his people would have found them and told him so. 

There are no illegal Germans, Russians, Italians, Irish, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, Africans, Haitians, Jamaicans, West Indians, Philippians, Spanish, French, Greek, Dutch or any other such illegals of the fairer or darker skin types... there are only Mexicans, and as such, his actions would be tapered to solving this Mexican dilemma. His really competent people has surely intimated to him as much, hence his bold and accurate statements to the facts of the matter.

For every Mexican that comes across the southern border, thousands from around the globe fly in to our airports, sail into our ports, and cross our northern border with Canada. 

According to Donald's people, none of these thousands of people over stay their visas. If they did, then surely Donald would have been told of this and would have been advised by his people, that it is not only Mexicans he needed to deport... but a few million more foreigners as well.

I am sure these wonderfully thorough  'people' of Donald's, would obviously do a bang up job informing President Trump on how to conduct the country's business in foreign policy issues. 

I am sure these meticulous 'people' would be able to work out the best solutions to deal with China and other BRIC countries.

I am sure these well informed 'people' will have a well laid out plan to deal with the ideology in the middle east that breeds radical Islamic followers... because for every thousand ISIS fighters, there is another radical group waiting in the wings for their turn at the trough.

I shudder to think of the disadvantage other countries would be at when facing President Trump and his people, as the globe tries to trade with the US.

I am sure President Trump and his people would do immaculate work when dealing with foreign Nuclear powers... I am sure of this. Obviously Trump does have the complete backing of the GOP, the Mexicans and the 'minorities.

Donald Trump has his finger on the pulse of this great country... and the globe, just like he has his finger on the pulse of the immigration debate.... I am sure of this... his 'people' have let him say as much.

His people let him infer that the 14th ammendment can be challenged because it is unconstitutional. He said his lawyers are on it! He says 'anchor babies' should not be afforded legality and they should be deported.

MSNBC The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell ... Judge Sandford in 1844 settled the case of Julia Lynch in which he stated that she was born and briefly lived in New York, and was thus entitled to her family's inheritance and fortunes of the Saratoga Springs mineral water empire. She was an 'anchor baby.' ... He explained that the law of that time made you a subject of the King whenever you were born in territories that were subject to his command. 

Donald has put much thought into this, he is now suggesting that well educated 'illegal' children should be allowed to stay and build the country that they studied in and has come to love... something I said in my book, so maybe the Donald read my book. 

He did say in fact that he watches Television to get military advice...and gleans much of his information from that.
That reminded me of how much information Sarah Palin was able to glean from reading magazines and newspapers and whatever she put her hands on back then... whatever was on the coffee tables.

I am really interested in finding out if Donald would take members of our police forces off regular duties and task them to find illegals. If not the police, maybe he will task the National Guard, or the other military branches. His people are on it... I am sure.

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