Friday, March 12, 2010

Do Rich Republicans love America?

This question came up in the comments of my last post and I had a rather long that I think reflects many things that everyone should consider, so I decided to post my reply...and a little more...

Yes they do love this country, just as every pimp loves their whores, just as every husband likes the wife, after she checks out of the Hospital and does not decide to report him for busting up her face...again, or for aborting the baby when he kicked her in the stomach.... of course they love America, because they have the power to do what they like, even though that means the country takes the hit.... they love that power. Bush's Presidency was a testament to this, I still maintain that he was the most successful Republican President in recent Presidencies... echoing the wishes of his party and his supporters...we have to look at the results of his tenure to see what Republican success means to them... unnecessary war, recession, foreclosures, the threat of a depression, the loss of schools, Fire and Police services because of budget shortages, the loss of more jobs than anyone of us have seen in one lifetime, yes they love America...for the evil things they have the freedom to do.

The Rich do not pay taxes, by hiding their fortunes offshore and in secret foreign bank accounts...who wouldn't love that? Many of us won't if we see that it will be done at the expense of the country, but they do it anyhow. Most don't serve in the military nor do they allow their kids to do so, that is something that suggests they love the freedoms that this country affords yes they do love this country...just like Bernie Maddoff loved his friends and family members who invested in his funds. They have used obstruction and the Filibuster to prevent the country from making the gains that will help us to progress as a country and by extension, to help the we account for approximately 25% of the world's GDP. 

They love the fact that they were able to restrict regulation of Financial Markets, so much so that they reaped untold and unimaginable fortunes and were further able to force the taxpayers to pay for a bailout when their schemes collapsed and we went into recession...they knew that they were too big to fail...they learned that through the Savings and Loans debacle...something John McCain learned then and  knows as well... they loved the bailouts so much that they now bask in wonderfully large bonuses.... while they still continue to do the same stuff that caused the financial meltdown in the first place...

Of course they love this country....and soon they will try to get elected so they can start all over again. One may well  ask, How  can I presume that all the bad guys are Republicans, surely some are Independents and some are Democrats... the answer to that is simple... if you beat your wife you are a wife-beater, if you steal, you are a thief, and if you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, then my friend, no matter what you call yourself in public.... whether you say you are a Democrat or an Independent, you really are just one of them...A FUCKING DUCK!!!  What about the poor they love America also? Yes they do, but not more than they love to hate Gay people, Democrats and Immigrants.


  1. You forgot the most important "love" of the Rushpubliscum "base."

    Brothers "love" their sisters, entirely too much. That's why there are so many Rushpubliscum supporters.

  2. The super wealthy, the off-shore account holders, are held in high regard by the Republican base, I put it down to hero worship.

  3. Yes, the rich love this country--a country that allows them to earn hundred of millions of dollars and not pay taxes on it. Taxes? They're for the little people.

    Tax dodges by the Dodgers' owner?

    In divorce case, wife says couple paid no state or federal tax on $108 million in earnings.

    Some high, hard pitches are being thrown in connection with a couple of Major League Baseball teams, but they're not part of spring training drills.

    The nastiest knuckleball so far has been fired by Jamie McCourt.

    The estranged wife of Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt (she contends California's community property law makes her co-owner, a claim the court will decide) has revealed how she says the couple avoided taxes on millions.

    As part of their divorce proceedings now ongoing in California, she's filed court documents that indicate the couple had joint income of $108 million from 2004 through 2009.

    The taxes, both federal and state, paid on that hefty sum? None, nada, zip, zero and nil.


    It's their country; we just live in it.

  4. They were anointed by GOD to rule...They do God's work...

    Prosperity Theology, 30 years of supply side economics, and a mentality where liberalism is bad and everything that is bad is liberalism.

    Then bankrupt the economy and the government....

    For eventually the destitute, who were once the middle class and working class, will come to the wealthy and beg forgiveness and plead for a job, for health insurance, for food to eat and a place to live.

    It really is only a matter of time...because a whole generation has been taught that those who create jobs, the supply side of supply and demand, are to be rewarded...worshipped, and eventually bowed to...

    That is the TRUE Roadmap for America's Future.

  5. Every time I read one of your posts I say to myself. "Right on Teeluck. Best post you've done so far." Then you come up with this. Once again I tell my self, "Right on Teeluck. Best post you've done so far."

  6. I loved this post, Tee :)

    And you nailed it.

  7. Sue, We have to fight the good fight, we are the last line of defense against them...and a Global Depression.

    Holte, yes, it is like a fraternity for the insane...

    Shaw, they do not even consider us the little people, to them we are the nonbelievers put here by their Gods, for them to use and abuse...

  8. Tao, yes they are anointed by fictitious Gods, and the psychos do not care what happens to America...they are waiting for the world to end...the fucks

    Tom Harper, they are pimps...inbreeding pimps, and they worship the Gods and Devils in their heads...they conjure up all these demons that they run from, they loved it when Sarah Palin's priest was praying to protect her from Witchcraft....deluded crazy people trying to create Armageddon...

  9. Truth, thanks for the compliment bro

    Bee, thank you too

  10. Good job Tee. Everyone has beaten me to it. They love America, but the America they love is one in which people with incomes under $1 million do not count.

  11. Hey TomCat, thanks, they are vampires in the true sense of the word, they love us to live so they can suck the life blood out of us...

  12. I think there are rich Republicans who love our country, but too many are just as you describe. I suspect many of those rationalize all over the place that their excesses of greed and selfishness are somehow good for the country and the rest of the people.

    For example, a rich businessman responsible for ending production of a product here, sending the jobs overseas to where labor is dirt cheap, rationalizes that he's still employing people in warehousing, accounting, sales and marketing, and creating jobs for truckers, dock workers and so forth. And he's benefiting consumers by bringing them cheaper products. It's all really swell, unless you're someone who depended on a well-paying job at this guy's factory. And unless you're a taxpayer who has to try to make up for the revenues all those ex-factory workers can no longer pay, or else do without public services because the tax base took a big hit.

    In the end, it's up to the people to rein in the greedy, selfish few by electing officials who will govern in the best interest of all the people. Its up to voter to reject Republicans, who give the greedy, selfish few everything they want.

    That means voters have to tune in and stay tuned in, informing themselves about people and issues. It means they mustn't let themselves be snowed by fearmongering and social wedge issues like God, guns, gays, etc.

    Over the past 30 years the public hasn't done so well with that. Blame for the mess we're in certainly goes to Republicans, but it also goes to a whole lot of independents and know-nothings who elected those Republicans over and over.

    Maybe the better question right now is, do all Republicans, rich or not, and a whole lot of independents and know-nothings, love America enough to do what's necessary to keep rich, greedy, conservative Republicans from doing what they always do?

  13. SW, you have a really good point, and after reading Suzan's post at Pottersville about Ponzi's, I think we are fighting a losing battle because the gains for the Ponzi schemer Repuglickers is too great, just as the gains by moving the jobs overseas is also too great...couple that with the fact that the new craze of companies is to go Multinational, they have no ties or sympathy for the American worker or the American economy, to them America is not home anymore, America is now just another marketplace among many Global a mall among many Global malls... it is just a place for Businesses to shop...for the Insurance Companies do. Like Thom Hartmann says...we are Screwed.

  14. Teeluck, you're absolutely right about how big multinational corporations feel no loyalty to the U.S. Their loyalty is to profit, period. And for them, Republicans are a means to maximizing profits — their inside agents in government. Unfortunately, the corporations have been able to sign up some Democrats, too. If that situation continues, the rest of us will be screwed once and for all.

    There's only one answer: Americans who aren't wealthy and well connected must pay attention, understand where their own best interests lie and elect people who will do their best to advance the best interests of the people as a whole.

  15. SW, I agree, that is the answer, and we are the frontline against this outrageous system...we have to make people aware of the real fight, President Obama showed just how powerful we are as a voting block if we stay united for this single purpose...
    The fight is against the special interests who are just Corporations...the same Corporations that the corrupt Supreme Court gave the right to finance elections with their evil blood money...our blood...

  16. Some rich Republicans (well, the moderate ones, anyway) actually voted for Obama. You might be surprised to know just how many friends in high places that Mr. Obama has.

  17. Many of the Democrats are just as awful. None of the "Democrats" who "represent" me support single payer, the public option, or ENDA in a meaningful way. None of them dare mention making the rich pay their fair share in taxes.

    The Greens keep looking better and better.

  18. Will, yes there are good people in high places, but they can only use their "skills" whatever it may be, if we the little guys build a foundation that they can step on top of and then function, the Pres would not have been elected without us, and he can't function and use his "skills" if we do not support him, letting him stand on our bleeding shoulders... my blood, sweat and tears can fall on the dirt by my sacrifice or be shed by the rich stabbing me in my back...let it fall by my my willing sacrifice for my Earth.

  19. Libhom, welcome, pull up a chair, grab a beer, have some fun, it is good to have you visit. I agree with you that the Green does look good, but because this country is engrained in a two party system, for me, supporting the Dems is a shorter sacrifice on the road to getting the stuff I need done...Healthcare, Human Rights for Immigrants, Gay people, the elderly, proper policies foreign and domestic that will help America to regain a place at the head of the table...beside the other Giants like China, India, Brazil etc. It is a changing world and we need to have the foresight to change with it...and quickly...maybe later on when we have some time to relax, we can lend more support to the Greens, for now though it must be full steam ahead because the world is not stopping for us to catch up...

  20. Will, lots of folks want Tim gone...some like him...I cannot second guess the President because like myself, he sometimes takes the uncomfortable rocky road by sticking with that horse(Tim) because he can get that horse to carry him a higher and farther distance than the other horses that are available...we cannot see the full spectrum of what problems the President faces and if he does not get our support with his choices then we are taking away the foundation upon which he stands...leaving the way open for a Sarah Palin to storm the White House and restart the Repuglickers' agenda...I fear that more...

  21. While I am a critic of the President, I also consider myself a supporter. And, please, believe me, I would NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVER vote for Sarah Palin. Me, and millions of other people. P.S. I'm sorry that you had to get into the middle of that scrum over there at Lydia's. While I like and respect Lydia, I just don't seem to mix well with some of her contributors and, yeah, should probably stay away.

  22. I'm with TAO! God made them do it. I have a Republican neighbor who doesn't have a pot to piss in. Regardless he hates all things Left, with a vengeance I might add, and is not afraid to talk about it. The hatred that spews from the mouth of this monster is shocking. He does, however, love Jesus, and likes to say he is "married" to Jesus. He has a HUGE decal of Jesus' head, complete with crown of thorns, on the windshield of his car. Go figure...

  23. I just wrote a comment, and it said it was published, but it has vanished. I am now sad.

  24. Will, I always believed in you bro...I know you are on our side and please stay on at lydia's...I just love the debates that ensue...

  25. Mike, I agree, God makes them do it...and God, via the church, needs cheddar...moolah.... to pay the bills in give generously to the Robertsons and the 700 club... I love Jesus too, in fact I spoke to him just yesterday...he was complaining that God has banned him from using the Flaming Chariot to park with his virgins down at lover's lane on cloud nine...oh yea, your neighbor is too lazy to think for himself and lets the church and guys like Jim Jones and David Koresh do his thinking for him...stay away from him...sooner or later these psychotic Lickers explode... and splashes shit all over the place.

  26. PS Mike don't feel sad for the disappearance of your comment...Repuglickers' brains disappeared a long time ago...
