Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bayer Sold Aids Tainted Drugs In America

This is one of the Pillars of Society and what they are capable of...

Republicans have touted the honesty and integrity of the "Free Markets" for decades, while we are subjected to this type of corporate excesses which usually result in the loss of our civil liberties or even lives.
They tout the benefits of a culture of less oversight and regulation, at the expense of the American People. We as concerned citizens cannot allow these Republicans to win any more seats in the upcoming elections because it will surely result in America being thrown to the mercy of the AIG's, Madoff's, Banks, BP's, Bayer's and the rest of these "Honest Companies" It is time to start mobilizing our efforts to increase our hold on the reigns of power in the upcoming elections, tomorrow may be too late. What we have seen over and over again is the results of Republican mischief causing untold damage to our environment and our people. The current BP Oil Spill is a prime example of their whittling away the regulatory system and standards and the resulting effects. After eight years of Bush, we have a country floundering and on the brink of disaster. Why should we put them in control again? They are not capable of doing anything different than what we have seen them do time and time again...destroying the country at every turn. Mobilize my friends, time is short, get involved in the movement to insure no more Republican wins, no more Republican Recessions... no more Republican Oil Disasters. Our fate is in our hands.


  1. Hear,hear! I stand with you Teeluck. The actions of the Supreme Courts endorsement of corporations
    is a RED Flag of where this "FREE Markets" theme is headed. Just look at the increase of homeless
    families while corporations report record profits.
    There is much wrong with this picture. I can see
    life in America like a scene in a Charle Dickens

  2. Jacqueline, welcome, for too long this country has been undermined and sabotaged from the Republican attacks on it. It is time to continue the stand we took when we elected President Obama and stand united in our quest to keep control out of their destructive hands.

  3. It is time to continue the stand we took when we elected President Obama and stand united in our quest to keep control out of their destructive hands.

  4. I would also like to point out that I'm totally against the quack pharmaceutical industry which is totally working to an agenda of profit and population control. I will not though let a devious agenda of lies known as hiv be enforced by this kind of reporting. All it does is enforce the original lie just as these who claim hiv was genetically created without looking at some of the most obvious points and current health issues going on including quack PCR testing.
