Friday, November 9, 2012

Ranking Republican Reveals - "Conservatives Fleeced And ‘Lied To By Conservative Entertainment Complex’

David Frum broke the most startling revelation  today by admitting - “Republicans have been fleeced and exploited, and lied to by a conservative entertainment complex,”

Mr. Frum, once a speechwriter for President George W Bush, was on MSNBC's  'Morning Joe' when he broke this piece of shocking news to the panel on the show.  

This  well known contributing editor for 'The Daily Beast' and 'Newsweek' qualified his statement when he said... "The Republican party has a party of followership, The problem with Republican leaders is that they’re cowards, not that they’re fundamentally mistaken, The real locus of the problem is the GOP activist base and the Republican donor base. They went apocalyptic over the past four years and that was exploited by a lot of people in the conservative world... I won't soon forget the lupine smile that play over the head of one major conservative institution when he told me that our donors think that the apocalypse has arrived...that Republicans have been fleeced and exploited, and lied to by a conservative entertainment complex,”

Scarborough interjected" Wait...I want you ...and I'm dead serious...I want you to slowly repeat this...[long winded comment here] ...hopefully conservatives would go back and look at what commentators [limbaugh, hannity, levin, O'reilly, Fox and Friends, Cavuto, to name a few]  and websites said, over the past three weeks when they knew this race was lost."

David Frum repeated his headline ...“Republicans have been fleeced and exploited, and lied to by a conservative entertainment complex,” ...'I name names in the book" [He just released an e-book titled 'Why Romney Lost']

Joe followed... " Conservatives have been lied to by people who engage in niche marketing and make tens of millions of dollars engaging in niche marketing, and I’m a capitalist, God bless ‘em they can do whatever they want to do…but that’s not an electoral strategy, that’s a business strategy for them.”

Frum later tweeted the challenge ..."By the way, if anybody at Fox would like me to repeat to their faces what I said on Morning Joe this AM, I accept. Unlikely, I know, but …"
davidfrum (@davidfrum) November 9, 2012

Here is the video by MSNBC. Click to 11.00 to get to the crux of the interview.

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